This is our first complete summer here on the farm and it hasn’t disappointed. Our lazy summer days have been full of sunshine, hot temps and cool downs in the creek. Rain, more rain then we expected but the rain has produced growing fields, and growing fields mean hay. Hay for our horses and hay to sell to other’s in need. Unexpected visits by critters of all sizes, from slithering snakes to big ol’ black bears. God’s handiwork is on full display here and we try to take in the fullness of it all through long walks and horse back rides. We’ve celebrated birthdays, enjoyed play days with neighbors, welcomed friends from out-of-state, and savored the tastes of summer from the garden. The children have been learning about business and developing their entrepreneurial skills at the local farmer’s market. The girls have been busy designing loom band bracelets and growing plants. The boys have crafted many a bird and bat house, along with clothespin furniture. It’s been great to see their determination and dedication yield a return. The kittens have brought us hours and hours of work and entertainment. Spring was a very busy season for kittens and we are preparing now for our fall litters. We are trying to soak in and savor the last 2 weeks of summer before Matthew returns to bus driving and the kids and I begin a new homeschool year. Summer sure has a magic all it’s own and we hope that all of you have been able to bask in the wonders of summer too!