My youngest has had a passion for all things Power Rangers, Transformers, Superheros and Villains for quite some time. At Christmas he received a Darth Vader costume. Just like most things, he loved it for a week and then nothing, followed by a few little play spouts here and there.
Well this week, his Darth Vader costume has taken on a whole new life! Last night after visiting with my parents, he came home talking about building a DV statue with Grampy tomorrow. “Ok”, my husband and I thought. We’ve heard crazier things come out of his mouth before… this seemed to fall somewhere in the middle.
By 8:00 am this morning, he was already down to the apartment (my parent’s house) to discuss this whole statue thing and by mid-day, DV came to life before our very eyes!
His first appearance was by the garden, hence the name “Scarth”. We jokingly thought he had taken on a scarecrow role here on the farm. Well next thing we know, HE MOVED!
I wonder where we will find Scarth Vader next!?!